Fostering Long Term Partnerships for Sustainable Growth
We believe collaboration is a powerful business tool, for us it’s a way of life. By combining the effort and expertise of different organisations, we are better able to innovate, grow and increase our competitiveness on many levels. With various industry, academic and governmental collaborations we aim to improve our productivity and contain cost of development.
In our effort to bring new products and technologies from laboratory models to commercialisation we have collaborated with various partners. Our partners support us and work with us to fulfil the vision that we have for each technology so that we can translate these from bench to market.
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai – Early stage research and proof of concept (POC) studies and Intellectual property generation
- Bio Research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratories (BIORIIDL) – Incubation partner
- Contract Research Organisations – For pre-validation studies, pre-clinical and clinical studies and scale-up of the POC studies to develop Chemistry and manufacturing controls for product registrations
- Contract Manufacturing Organisation and Other Partners – For commercial supply chain of our products
- Co-development Partners – For some of our projects we work on the co-development model to bring products from concept to commercialisation stage with each partner taking selected responsibility to ensure seamless execution for faster market access.